Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Flexibility in your approach

When you are in the race to achieve these three elements, you have to be flexible at your approach. Taking it more precisely, you will have to change according to the circumstances. It does not matter what approach you were using now, if it is giving no results DISCARD IT! We are not considering the approach that yields results after a long period of time.

Rather then trying and making a strategy for long terms, in the beginning, we will focus how to get the results quickly. This is because a person needs the results quickly in the beginning. It also increases the zeal to work hard on to achieve a particular goal.

It is obvious that you will get every type of result, positive and negative. By the impact of a book that suddenly changed my life, I am able to model every failure as a result. Of course it is! It is a negative result. Or in other words, it is a feedback to you. Many of us keep trying and work hard for one thing, when it yields nothing, we stop because we consider it as a failure. The positive approach is to take every failure as a result, and then accept it as a feedback.

We will consider the famous example, which many people use while they are explaining this fact. Thomas Edison, who discovered 9,999 methods by which a electric bulb can not be made. This is a positive sentence. The negative one will be,” Thomas Edison succeeded after failing 9,999 times.”

But the second interpretation of his work is not true. If he would have failed the first time, he had no reasons to try again. He considered it as a RESULT and got a feedback from it. That is why he got success. And when you get success, you get happiness and power also.

By this positive approach, he considered flexibility as the tool to succeed. He didn’t follow the same path every time; he changed his approach as soon as he realized it was not working. So should you. Keeping yourself focused on a particular goal is a good approach, but unsuccessful people give different perspective by focusing on the wrong approach. When you know the approach is wrong, Change it!

You will have to use the formula of the successful people. They had the ability to change their actions as soon as they find out it is not working. There is a quote in my mind. I don’t remember who wrote it, but it explains what I am trying to convey

I will keep throwing myself in the path of success until it accepts me.

So throw yourself in the path of success, but also change the approach. You have the ability to change the way you take actions. You can always learn them from the successful personalities. So what are you waiting for, lets do it!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Reasons why we need these three basic elements in our life

We can see that we are searching for these three elements ever since we have not recognized ourself, when parents were still working hard with us to memorize our name. I have heard this from most of the people around me. They say,"These are the basic things which keeps us alive, makes us human and works for us to gain almost anything we need." But in my point of view, this is incorrect. This is the explanation why these things are called the BASIC ELEMENTS. The reason to this is different.

The three elements are interlinked with each other, if you miss one of them, the chain is broken and you will not get what you want to the desired extent. Let us see how they are interlinked. If you are happy, you will definitely succeed. If you are succeeded, you will get the power. And if you are powerful, and you got the two elements, yet again you are happy. So the cycle goes on and you become a EXTRAORDINARY human being with every vital nutrient you need to grow prosperously and work efficiently.

The reason behind this is simple, every element is dependent on the other to satisfy the need, and is also the reason to generate the need for other one. As long as the cycle remains steady, you are happy, successful and powerful. If you lost one of them, no need will be generated and you will be deficient of three things.

So don't run after any one, or just concentrate to accomplish a GOAL leaving any of the basic element. Taking the three elements along with each other will lead you to eternal pleasure and unlimited happiness. So what are you waiting for? Go and grab them all for you. And remember one thing, you will find them at various places. In yourself or from others. So remember when to take it and from whom.